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GreenOnion Press Area: Facts, Images, and Information at a Glance

Company Overview

Name: GreenOnion
Founded: 2022
Location: Mödling, Austria
Managing Director: Martin Watzka

Mission: Our mission is to guide SMEs towards sustainability in a cost efficient, simple and customer centric way that additionally leads towards higher profitability.

Vision: To make businesses more sustainable and profitable.

  • Development and distribution of AI-based tools for capturing and analyzing sustainability data
  • Analysis of sustainability performance and preparation of ESG reports

Services and Products

Sustainability as a Service:
With the help of our self-developed digital tools, we offer companies cost- and time-saving sustainability solutions. Our service is divided into sustainability reports (to capture the current state of the company) and implementation of potential improvements.

Sustainability Reports:
Creation of professional reports that meet current standards and legal requirements, such as ESG reporting (Environmental, Social, Governance).

Onion Guru:
The Onion Guru is the digital assistant that helps companies achieve the goals defined by the sustainability report.

Business Success

Since its foundation in 2022, GreenOnion has developed into one of the first AI-native sustainability consultancies in the DACH region without external capital. Through the successful combination of standardized ESG consulting with an innovative digital ESG copilot (“Service-as-a-Software”), the company has already established several strategic partnerships with multipliers such as tax advisory and business law firms. The cross-industry client list ranges from traditional crafts to manufacturing companies.

Next Steps
  • 1. Roll-out in the new EU-markets
  • 2. Scaling of internal resources
  • 3. Careful team expansion
  • .cls-1{fill:#53c3be;}
    2023: Development of a standardized sustainability tool for SMEs
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    2024: First full-time employee hired
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    2024: Development of the digital ESG assistant
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    2024: Kickoff cooperation with one of Austria’s largest tax consulting firms, ARTUS

Leadership Team

All employees work collaboratively and on equal footing.

Press Release

January 2025: “-“

Press Contact

Name: Martin Watzka
Position: CEO
Schedule an appointmentSelect here

Press Images and Logos

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